Jenny Meet the Team

Meet The Tangram Team – Jenny

Meet the team

Our ‘Meet The Team’ blog series continues! This week we grab five minutes with interior designer Jenny Milne.

We hope you enjoy the read and getting to know the Tangram team! Should you wish, please feel free to pick up the phone for a chat, we would love to hear from you.Name: Jenny Milne

Job title: Interior Designer

1. What does a typical day at Tangram look like for you?

My day is very varied and no two days are the same. It usually starts with a cup of tea while I check emails and respond to customer enquiries. Then I might have a client meeting, or do some space planning, pricing products, moving furniture in the showroom or remembering to water the showroom plants!

2. Favourite designer/interior designer/architect or hero?

As a young architect student I was very inspired by the amazing buildings I visited during my training. In particular Villa Savoye designed by Le Corbusier and the Barcelona Pavilion by Mies Van Der Rohe. I now love the designs of Charles and Ray Eames. In my opinion their designs are timeless and transcend current trends and fashions.

3. Describe briefly what your dream home would look like – particularly the interior?

My dream home would be somewhere warm and sunny. It would be filled with light, plants and have a mixture of mid-century, second-hand finds and would definitely include some super comfortable sofas from Poltrona Frau.

4. Favourite thing about your job?

I absolutely love meeting and getting to know my clients. It’s very rewarding to be able to help them create the home they want.

5. What do you like doing when you’re not at work?

I love to go to the gym, spend time with my family,  meeting up for lunch and going on walks with our dog Teddy. During lockdown I learned how to make sourdough bread so now I like to bake bread twice a week.  

6. What was your first job?

My first Saturday job was in a shoe shop. I had to serve customers and measure kids feet. I hated it when it rained, children often had wet soggy socks!

7. Coffee or tea? Milk in first or last?

Coffee, milk in first.

8. What’s something that recently made you smile?

My youngest daughter playing Jingle Bells on the piano after lots of practice filled me with pride and made me smile.

9. What is your 15 minutes of fame?

When I was a child I wrote a poem about a gypsy caravan, it was played on Radio Scotland. I used to have a copy of it on a tape cassette which is long since lost. I also meet Lulu once when I was asked to supply furniture for a dressing room at Murrayfield stadium.  She was going to be singing at a rugby match. She sang Flower of Scotland to us.We hope you have enjoyed this week’s blog post and getting to know the Tangram team! Keep your eyes peeled for the next ‘Meet the Team’ or to find out more about us visit our About Us page.0131 556 6551 /